QD & Fingerprint Examination Workshop School of Allied Sciences – JNU Jaipur


QD & Fingerprint Examination Workshop School of Allied Sciences – JNU Jaipur

School of Allied Sciences, Jaipur National University, organized a one-day workshop on questioned document and fingerprint examination in collaboration with SIFS India, Delhi, on February 13, 2023.

I was the keynote speaker, and I want to convey my thanks to Prof. Divya Shrivastava, Director, for inviting me to share my knowledge with future forensic experts.


All the students, especially those pursuing graduation, got a chance to gain deep insights about the latest techniques and how to apply their skills practically to the forensic science field.


The workshop primarily focused on the following:

  • The significance of questioned documents and fingerprint examination in criminal investigation
  • Different types of fingerprints and techniques for taking them.
  • Quizzes and fun activities to help students put their newly acquired knowledge to the test.

 The dedication and enthusiasm of the students were highly inspiring.

It was a wonderful experience, and I hope to deliver more workshops in the future that help students gain hands-on experience and provide them with opportunities to grow and excel in their field.


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