The role forensic science plays in assisting law enforcement agencies in providing criminal justice is priceless.
Yet with time, old ways of crime-solving do not always work. They need to be upgraded, and new techniques must be made a part of the criminal justice system.
Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine (IAFM) organized Forensic Medicon, a 43rd Annual National Forensic Conference in collaboration with the Department of Hospital Collaboration SGPGIMS, Lucknow, from 28 April to 1 May 2022.
The conference primarily revolved around what measures need to be taken to bring Reforms to India's Criminal Justice System and what role IAFM plays in policy making and implementation.
I felt privileged to get a chance to attend
this Golden Jubilee Conference.
It was an iconic knowledge-based event with
many stalwarts of Forensic Medicine in India gathering under one roof and
sharing their expertise.
Thanks to Dr. Mukesh Yadav, organizing
secretary, for conducting this event.